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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 14, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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♪ >> it started with near my god to thee, it ended with going home from the devorjak symphony. barbara starr joining me now from the pentagon. how could you not witness that ceremony and not be moved by it, the pageantry, obviously, but also just the sadness of the entire situation. >> reporter: so many images, don. those marines standing there, full dress uniform, rendering that final salute to the fallen because, of course, it is marines that guard state department personnel around the world, as the caskets are driven out to the plane for that last
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journey to dover air force base. the president hitting so many different images here, offering comfort to the families, saying that the united states despite the images of violence will remain engaged around the world, that justice will be done. but also in the case of each of these men, making the point that they essentially fell on a battlefield, in service of the country, and in service of their friends. and, of course, this is what the fallen do, don't they? you learn so many times through the years that when men and women fight in battle, they fight for each other. and these men were fighting for libya, they were fighting for the people of libya, and the president, i think, made it very clear in his message, he wanted to sound that theme, that they served for a reason for this country and for countries around the world, that this is the symbol of u.s. diplomacy. >> barbara, let's listen to that now.
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>> four americans, four patriots, they loved this country and they chose to serve it and served it well. they had a mission, and they believed in it. they knew the danger, and they accepted it. they didn't simply embrace the american ideal, they lived it. they embodied it. >> i think it is important to point out what the secretary of state said as well to the people of libya, to the people of egypt, all over that region, they said that the people did not trade the tyranny of a dictator for the tyranny of a mob. very well put. >> reporter: well, that's absolutely right. and, again, it is the images that the world has seen for the last few days, whether it is mob violence, whether it is inspired by some movie, whether it is al
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qaeda inspired, these terrible images of violence across the muslim world, and, you know, people have died, american diplomats have died, people have died on the streets of these countries who have fought so hard throughout the arab spring. so this is a tragedy on so many fronts. the united states, the president is making very clear, will remain engaged, but also he's sending quite a firm message about justice for the perpetrators, that countries around the world who are -- we have diplomatic relations with have a solemn obligation to protect u.s. embassies around the world. thiss -- this is really summing up here today everything that has transpired since the attacks in benghazi. i think the president, the secretary tried to hit all these points and yet this backdrop of military dignity and precision, an attempt to offer comfort to
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the families that their loved ones will not be forgotten, this is the kind of honors that the military has rendered so many times over the last 11 years, whether it is the most junior private in the u.s. army that has fallen on the battlefields of afghanistan, a senior diplomat that has revered throughout the muslim world, or a former navy s.e.a.l. who served with honor and distinction and tried to go on and serve again in the diplomatic corps. it is the same honors, the same rendering of respect and dignity that really the military renders to all and has so many times in recent years done. >> absolutely, barbara. it is hard to, as i said to watch this and not be moved. we were fighting back the tears here in the studio. i'm sure people around the world were doing the same. and one can only imagine, only imagine what the family members of these men are dealing with right now. elise labott is our senior state
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department producer. elise, you knew chris stevens, and it was the secretary of state described him as that he had that california thing about him that made him amazing. and he was amazing at his job as an ambassador. >> reporter: laid back, don, california cool, but very serious about the work that he was doing in the country that he loved. i think secretary clinton and president obama really brought life to these men, not just about what they were doing in libya, but who they were and something that secretary clinton kind of said about ambassador stevens was that he made the libyan people's hopes their own. it was true that his own hopes were kind of wrapped up in what he was hoping to help the libyan people do. and so i think that what everyone is feeling right now is just such shock in terms of our hopes for the region, fading along with these men, wonder
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wlag is ting what is the u.s. doing in this region, when you see the protests endeveloping the region against the united states, so they're trying to strike that balance between mourning these men, talking about retribution for their deaths, talking about that violence is not the answer, but also the need for the u.s. to remain engaged in the world. so such shock at the state department because you've been talking about these common military transfers that the military faces with all of its fallen. secretary clinton always says that diplomats are on the front lines of u.s. diplomacy, but you really don't expect to hear about a u.s. diplomat of such magnitude, the last time a u.s. ambassador was killed was in afghanistan in 1979. and so diplomats here just are so shocked. i'm getting so many e-mails, don, watching this with such shock and disbelief that this ambassador and these other men
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were killed in such a tragic way when they were really trying to help this country build anew and move forward and get back on its feet. >> and to help people. thank you, elise labott. as viewers around the world watched this live on television, i want to show you the pictures of the people we are honoring today. we are celebrating today. this was all about the four men who lost their lives. christopher stevens, sean smith, glen doherty, and tyrone woods. you heard the preside say it is the spirit of the american people trying to help the world that separates us as a nation. he said we are americans. we hold our heads up. the secretary of state said we stiffen our backbone and we move on and we will continue to try to help others. as we go to break now, i want to tell you what the president said that resonated with everyone. it is from john 15:13, greater love hath no man than a man who
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as all of this is going on, let's remember we're in the middle of a politic season, an election, an important one coming up. let's listen now to the man who wants to be president, mitt romney, in ohio. >> -- drouwning at worst. you see right now median income in america has dropped by $4300 a family. even as the cost of health insurance has gone up, food is more expensive, utilities are more expensive, gasoline has doubled. this recovery hasn't happened the way it was supposed to. and the reason we're going to get a new president in november is we're going to have a president who will get this economy going and put people back to work! >> mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt! mitt!
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mitt! mitt! >> i was -- i was surprised that in the president's speech at the democratic convention he didn't talk about unemployment. i was surprised that he didn't lay out a plan to get america working again. instead, he promoted that slogan of theirs, forward. i think forewarned is a better term, all right. i mean, if you like what you have seen in the last four years, then you can vote for the same guy and you'll see more of it. because if you re-elect president obama, you're going to see in this nation chronic unemployment, no growth in take-home pay and, of course, fiscal crisis at the doorstep. if you elect me, we'll get more jobs and more take-home pay. i've got a plan, all right. unlike the president, i have a plan. and my plan will create 12 million new jobs. let me tell you what, as i put my hand up, because there are five parts to it. number one, we're going to get this economy going because we
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have an ace in the hole we haven't taken advantage of. some people discovered a number of years go you could drill not just vertically into the earth, but vertically and horizontally, and they tapped into pockets of gas and oil. i'll make sure we take advantage of our oil, our gas, our coal, our nuclear, our renewables, we're going to get north american energy independence. >> mitt romney speaking in painesville, ohio, talking about the economy and how in his estimation he wants to get it back on track. all right. we're still following the developing news that is coming out of libya right now. let's go now to cnn's arwa damon. arwa, i understand you've been to that consulate, and what did you see, arwa? >> reporter: it really was quite chilling to be standing in those buildings that have been completely gutted at this stage. many of them burnt out as well. the walls charred black. there were also some very eerie
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scenes, some of the walls splattered with blood, one of the toilets, the rim as well. there was a partial hand print on one of the walls. the buildings we were in, the main building, the main residence in the compound, the cafeteria as well, the offices, burnt vehicles on the exterior. we were speaking with one of the security guards who was present at the time of the attack. bearing in mind, though, that when it came to security at this compound, the so-called front line of defense was libyan. they were, however, not armed. they had radios standing at the various entrances to the compound. he was describing this very intense attack, rocket propelled grenades, grenades, heavy machine gunfire. he said after the attack was stormed by how many gunmen he does not know. they were either masked or they had very thick beards. he says they grabbed him, threw him to the ground and at gunpoint threatened to kill him for protecting the infidels. most certainly a very chilling, chilling scene, especially when one thinks about the tragedy that unfolded there, don.
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>> arwa damon, thank you very much. arwa damon with new video inside the libyan consulate where that attack took place on tuesday night. we'll get back to arwa. violent anti-american protests erupting across the middle east today from morocco in the west to india in the east. you'll see what is happening. that is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. at&t. rethink possible.
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two american warships carrying missiles are off the coast of libya. unmanned drones are on the way. and 50 marines have reached the north african nation. that's just libya. throughout the world, u.s. outposts are tightening security. and this map explains why. it shows the hot spots of anti-american anger, a dozen countries are dealing with protesters enraged by a film that portrays a muslim prophet muhammad as a womanizer and a pedophile. they're also decrying america for allowing it.
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in afghanistan, where many have not been able to view the film because the country has blocked youtube, demonstrators burned president obama in effigy. >> we are at the gates of the american embassy in tunis. >> in tunisia, what many consider the birth place of the arab spring, people turned on the u.s. embassy burning cars, storming the complex and replacing the u.s. flag with their own black banner. in egypt, where 200 plus protesters were hurt yesterday, more of the same violent confrontations took place between those on the street and the security forces. more than 250 have been hurt, dozens have been arrested. in yemen, police opened fire on demonstrators who tried to storm the u.s. embassy there just one day after four protesters were killed. and radicals are targeting not just the united states, but the german embassy in sudan was put
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on fire. jim, let's go back to the map showing all of the trouble in these areas today. and talk about the united states, it spent billions trying to help many of these nations now denouncing us. is there anything america can do over those who hate us? >> not much. they are smaller groups, they're vociferous groups, they're embedded in some of these societies. there is a larger suspicion of the united states in the wake of the war in iraq and the war on terrorism and these kinds of things. but it really comes down to small groups that there is very little that the united states can do about to stop them. some of them are powerful. some of them are armed. but you have to keep in mind the overall, the populations of these countries, well, they may be outraged by this film, and feel justified about that, they don't agree with attacking -- >> let's take the opposite approach. many are wondering why do we keep helping countries who don't appreciate it? why do we give them our resources? >> first of l, the goal of the
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film, insigcite, just this kind anger, firing mortars and well coordinated attacks to break this relationship between the united states and an emerging arab world that is totally changed, that is embracing democracy, that's why you stay the course. >> i want to focus on egypt for a bit today. today, the muslim brotherhood canceled all the protests there outside of the cairo, the movie about the movie in cairo and mohammad morrissey is a member of that group and this comes even though the president said yesterday that, listen to this, this is what he said on spanish television. >> i don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy. >> not an ally, but -- what he's saying is we have an uncertain relationship with them at this point. but we want a good one. morrissey wants a good one too.
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i think morrissey showed in this case a little bit of incompeten incompetence, a lot of inexperience. the egyptians don't know exactly what the americans want. they thought the americans would be satisfied if they addressed the issue of the attack on the embassy in benghazi, the consulate, in benghazi, said it was an outrage, that the people were killed in that embassy, that consulate, but instead, the u.s. reminded them, no, we want you to protect our embassy and our interests inside egypt. and you saw morrissey did a 180 degree turn. the number two man in the muslim brotherhood wrote a very moderate letter to the new york times. >> is this betrayal? i heard people say, this is betrayal, with so much help, why doesn't morrissey speak strongly, more strongly against this? they feel -- many americans feel betrayed by this. >> i think it is an experience. you have to rack it up to that. you see him coming to his senses and realizing this say relationship that not only do we need in terms of financial terms, in diplomatic terms, but
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we want it. we want to be closer to the united states to develop a new relationship with him. i think that is reflected in the turn-about you've seen. you've got to give him a little bit of time. there was never any opposition. they never had any opportunity to hold a position of power. quite frankly, they're so inexperienced that they have been quite ham fisted in the way they have gone about this. >> the man knows the region. thank you very much, jim clancy, from cnn international. we really appreciate it. up next on cnn, word of a tentative agreement in the chicago teachers strike, hundreds of thousands of students impacted. we'll take you there live. i love you, james. don't you love me? i'm a robot. i know. i know you're a robot! but there's more in you than just circuits and wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what a person can. that's why ally has knowledgeable people there for you, night and day. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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we have watched the developments for a week, more than 350,000 students out of school because of a strike. now 're hearing there may be some movement. keon law live in chicago. what are you hearing? >> reporter: what we're hearing from a source with detailed knowledge of these negotiations, speaking to cnn, says that there is a tentative agreement in place and that schoolchildren are expected to be back in school as soon as monday. now, this same source is also sharing some of the details of this tentative agreement, that as far as the school time, time in the classroom, that that time
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has not changed as far as the length of the school year and e length of the school day. that principals will in fact have a little more freedom to hire teachers and here is the important one, this teacher evaluation issue, teacher evaluations here in the city of chicago will be updated for the very first time in 40 years, according to that same source. now that same source also saying that where there has been movement, it has been on the movement of the chicago teachers union, closer to what the city has wanted. now, the reason why we're going into these details is because this fight that we have seen here in the third largest school district is something that is being very carefully observed by cities across this country, a fight that has largely been seen as a referendum on education, on teachers as well as unions. so, don, again, we're looking very closely into this agreement. once this is finally a signed deal that all sides have signed, the teachers have voted, the teacher delegates that is, the bottom line is that students could be back in class as soon
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as monday. >> you can bet, kyung, every school district around the country will be watching these developments very closely and taking notes. thank you very much, kyung lah. it was a collapse that started a global economic crisis when lehmann brothers went down four years ago tomorrow. up next, we look at where those responsible are now. and we ask, was letting the bank fail the right call? oh no, not a migraine now. try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. i was talking to my best friend. i told her i wasn't feeling like myself... i had pain in my pelvic area...
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lehmann brothers collapsed four years ago tomorrow, a catastrophic event that marked the beginning of a global economic spiral. when lehmann crumbled, the stock market plunged more than 500 points. police cordoned off lehmann's new york headquarters while staffers walked out with accord board boxes filled with their belongings. what happened to the key players from lehman's collapse, christine romans tracked them down. >> four years ago, lehman brothers collapsed.
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we're looking at where the major players at the table back then are today. ceo dick fold, after losing his job at the end of 2008, he started matrix advisers in april 2009, the company does strategic consulting and is listed as still working there. in 2010, he took a position at broker dealer legend securities but left the company a little over a year later. regulatory filings show that fold has been involved in over a dozen lawsuits since the lehman bankruptcy. erin cowan was fired four months before the company filed chapter 11, post banking she appears to have moved out of the spotlight. she hasn't re-emerged publicly on to the finance scene. former treasury secretary hank paulson, he along with regulators chose not to bail them out with taxpayer money as customers abandoned it. he left office with president bush in 2009 before his three-year term running the u.s.
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treasury, he was with goldman sachs. today he's with academia. he started the paulson institute at the university of chicago which focuses on cooperation between the u.s. and china. paulson was replaced by timothy geithner. he was president of the new york fed. since then, benz deali ining deg with the aftermath of that weekend. bob dimond was a key negotiator in barclays acquisition of lehman after the bankruptcy. in 2011, he became ceo of the bank. dimond held that position until july of this year when he resigned amid allegations of manipulating the interbank lending rate or libor. another banker at the table was jamie dimond, months earlier his bank j pchpmorgan acquired bear stearns. he's still considered one of the most powerful bank ceos in the world. >> christine romans, thank you very much. lehman's failure shocked the financial world, really the
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entire world, suddenly anything involving money seems scary. want to bring in jill schlessinger, editor at large of cbs thank you for joining us. what do you remember most about that historic time in september, right after lehman failed, the fear, the panic, so many people believed the american financial system might just self-destruct. >> it was scary. it wasn't just lehman brothers. that was a critical week. it was crazy. it was the day before where we had merrill lynch being acquired by bank of america, lehman brothers failing, aig needing an $85 billion bailout, we had the first t.a.r.p. plan unveiled, we had a money market fund going below the dollar a share. this was a monumental week. any one of those events in isolation would have been historic. together, they were practically cataclysmic. what i remember was i was scared. >> yeah, absolutely. and, you know, an interesti ini
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tidbit is lehman is technically still around. >> they have a bankruptcy proceed which allows it to unwind over a series of years and they have to operate while they're unwinding the business. what is pretty interesting is that piece you did about -- with christine prior to coming on the airhere, you look at the different people who were involved, some of them seemed to be essentially vaporized and others survived and have been in tact. what is truly amazing is that it just four years later, though we're not happy exactly where the economy is, look at what the stock market has done since that week. we plunged down even farther, down to march of 2009, we came roaring back. markets today are about 15 to 20% higher than they were that week that we had the lehman brothers failure, even 35% if it is nasdaq included that's amazing when you think about it. >> yeah, the fed is unleashing its third round of stimulus. could the feds latest push help the economy any more than first two rounds of that stimulus? >> you know, i get such different responses to this. you ask people who are involved in the federal reserve and
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different economists, they'll cite a certain study that the federal reserve itself conducted and they went back and they said, what was the impact of qe and qe-2 and they say that those two plans actually boosted economic growth by 3% and added almost 2 million private payroll jobs that wouldn't have been there without qe and qe-2. so other people say, ridiculous, it was organic, it was going to happen anyway. i think the fed basically acted because they felt like they were the last possible hope for the economy to sputter ahead, even by a little bit. >> hey, jill, our time is up. if you can answer quickly, it is an important question, was it the right thing to do to let lehman fail. >> i think everyone agrees it was not right thing to do because the whole system froze up from there. we wish we could do history all over. unfortunately, we don't get that chance. >> jill schlessinger, thank you very much. >> take care. the anger towards america escalating today across the middle east, including tunisia,
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in tunisia as well. we will take you to the region coming up. exclusive to the military, and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. with our award winning apps that allow you to transfer funds, pay bills or manage your finances anywhere, anytime. so that wherever your duty takes you, usaa bank goes with you. visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again.
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wthe future of our medicare andr electiosocial security. for... man 1: i want facts. straight talk. tell me your plan... and what it means for me. woman 2: i'm tired of the negative ads and political spin. that won't help me decide. man 2: i earned my medicare and social security. and i deserve some answers. anncr: where do the candidates stand on issues that... affect seniors today and in the future? find out with the aarp voters' guide at
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welcome back. the birth place of the arab spring up in arms again. it is not over. an oppressive government, but against the united states. tunisia is one of at least a dozen countries where the anger at the u.s. is flaring up today. protesters stormed the u.s.
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embassy in tunis, replacing the stars and stripes with a black banner. all over a movie criticizing the prophet muhammad that the u.s. government has condemned. that's not stopped demonstrators from attacking u.s. assets from morocco to india, including afghanistan, where the video cannot be seen since the government has blocked youtube. moments ago, live right here on cnn, we saw the home going ceremony for the four men who lost their lives at that libyan consulate on tuesday night when protesters stormed the consulate. the president of the united states spoke. the secretary of state as well. and among those who were at that ceremony was the vice president, joe biden, and the secretary of defense, leon panetta, as well as the u.n. ambassador to the u.n., susan rice and colin powell and his wife at that ceremony as well. a moving ceremony, took place
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right here on cnn just moments ago. the anti-muhammad movie that ignited global outrage shows how much power youtube wields regardless of borders. the video sharing website which is owned by google is opting to not pull the innocence of muslims film despite days of worldwide protests. the company does ban hate speech, but officials said this is a statement, this in a statement on wednesday, excuse me, this video, which is widely available on the web, is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on youtube. hower, given the very difficult situation in libya and egypt, we have temporarily restricted access in both countries. hala gorani joins me now. how are governments in the muslim world reacting to the fact that youtube is keeping the movie online? >> reporter: essentially at this time it is a little bit too late. this video was available initially on youtube as you know, don, and afghanistan. president hamid karzai trying to limit access to the youtube by people in his country.
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but, you know, most of the people i'm sure if you asked in sudan, or in yemen, have you seen the innocence of muslims, probably most of them haven't even heard of the title of the film. it is much more than about a single film. it is about some of these extremist groups being very able to organize people quickly, in order to mount attacks and demonstrations against u.s. interests. it is also about the fact that the u.s. is still extremely unpopular in these countries, even countries such as libya, in some parts, at least, that benefited so much from the u.s.'s involvement with nato forces that eventually -- that eventually helped that country rid itself of its long-term dictator. so, don, it is about all of these things, and about these groups. we have to put this in perspective. this is in a million people in tahrir square, the number people who protested against, for instance, hosni mubarak. we're talking a thousand people here. a lot of them young men, disenfranchi
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disenfranchised, probably out of work. they, of course, make for huge headlines and good television, theye not representative of a cross section of egyptian society, though. >> so i talked about it being banned on youtube and how people are reacting in muslim countries. let's talk a bit more about afghanistan and continue on with this line of questioning here. afghanistan has banned youtube. is this an option for any other countries dealing with these protests at this point or is it too late as you said earlier? >> reporter: well, i think that, again, maybe perhaps a few weeks ago had the arabic version with the subtitles been restricted from these countries perhaps we wouldn't have seen it. but you have to remember that this youtube video has been online since june. it ended up being translated and sort of outfitted with subtitles and then made it on to a television station in egypt. you have to see this through the prism of these groups who want to ferment this kind of chaos on the streets.
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>> hala, i want to -- since we have you, the picture is going in and out, but i think it is important you and i talk about it, you've been there, live pictures now this is in cairo where protests and demonstrat n demonstrations breaking out now. you see the fire being ignited, hala. i'm not sure if you can seat pictures there. you've been to this place. this is where it all started, right here and in libya. >> reporter: what is interesting is some of my journalist friends in cairo have been tweeting out and sending e-mails and saying, look, to all of you foreigners, even if you're a journalist, not a good idea to go to tahrir square right now. things are very shaky. they're chaotic. there are rumors in this type of situation spread very quickly, don, where among the demonstrators people will say this person is a spy, this person is a foreigner, and start, you know, sort of angling themselves or targeting a foreigner as somebody who looks western. they're saying it is quite a difficult and dangerous
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situation. >> you know, it is interesting because i've spoken to fareed zakaria about this, jim clancy a little bit ago, many americans feel betrayed they don't understand how something, when you live in a free democracy, how something like a silly film, which we think can cause this, especially when we help the people there so much. and the people there don't understand how at least one american or some americans they feel have mocked their prophet. >> reporter: no, absolutely. but i think you have to look at how the u.s. might be perceived in parts of libya and how it might be perceived in parts of afghanistan, of yemen, where drone strikes against suspected terrorist targets are extremely unpopular, where when they end up killing civilians, it gives the united states a terribly bad image abroad. so the idea that the united states, you know, helped certain portions of the demonstrators or the protesters against despottic regimes is true.
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but on the other hand, they say they supported the despottic regimes for 40 plus years, the despottic and dictatorial regimes that oppressed us so. people look at the israeli/palestinian conflict as well and feel the united states sides with israel against palestinians and their rights. so there are two ways to look at america from the middle east, and in many cases the u.s. is still extremely unpopular in that prt of the world. and these extremist groups, they took advantage of that antipathy to the u.s. to create this type of chaos that we're seeing in the streets of so many capitals in the muslim world today. >> it will be interesting to see, hala, how these demonstrations are affecting all of these that are breaking out are affecting the stock markets around the country. hala gorani, we'll check that closing bell coming up shortly. [ male announcer ] this is the land of giants.
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he was called fashion's next big thing. boy wonder, then critics began to pan him. now as fashion week continues, he talks with alina cho. >> reporter: glenn close at the authors, reese witherspoon at the globes, his clothes are on it. the boy wonder with the big personality and the big bows started his label a decade ago with a splashy show and reviews. >> i think he's going to be a major star. >> the fashion world flocked and he was just 21. >> that must have been a little overwhelming? >> of course. you know, you sort of get swallowed into a wave of fashion. >> posen's shows got bigger, vows deeper. and by his own admission his ego
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was out of control. >> with every blessing there's always a curse. i wasn't aware of what that was seen to the fashion industry, to the public. i think people saw me as some sort of fabulous prince. >> it didn't help that posen, you're a new york boy, born and bred. >> i am. >> suddenly decided his clothes weren't appreciated in the u.s. in 2010 he decided to scrap new york fashion week and show his collection in paris. some people said, who does he think he is? at the time, were you aware that that was swirling around you? >> no. no. i don't think so. and i think probably at the time i didn't care. >> you said that in europe my clothes are respected. >> worse quote of my life. >> the critics were really unkind. >> they were. >> took a big fall, went to paris. i think he got a little egg on his face there. but i think he was smart enough to realize that he needed to start over. >> after two disappointing seasons in paris, he returned to new york. then a year ago with an
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already-bruised ego, this scathing profile emerged. the headline that said zac posen, fashion's biggest poser. wathat the the low point for you? >> it was hard. it takes that down period, eating humble pie, to realize that, you know what, i'm going to be focused on my talent, my creativity. >> homemade, huh? >> homemade, crust and all. >> now it appears posen may be finally getting back on track. >> i think what's interesting about his comeback is he's actually returning to a lot of the traditional things that caught the public's attention to begin with. that sense of sort of hollywood glamour. >> you're only as good as your last collection, your last piece you do. but my real -- from my heart, is that you have to love what you do. >> are you in a good place now? >> yeah. i'm in a really good place. it's fashion. it moves very fast. but everyday is a joy. >> cnn, new york.
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a solemn arrival today for the remains of the four americans killed by protesters who stormed the u.s. consulate in libya. here now the cerony that took place just a short time ago at joint base andrews. ♪ ♪
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